I know how irksome it can be when you're just starting out and I want you to know that I am here for you. I want to help you grow and to focus on your business, instead of being behind the scenes working through *dun, dun, dunnnn* creating content, analytics, and graphics. I'm telling you, there's an easier way! Your answer is to outsource and if you are feeling one of these feelings below, you've come to the right place.
- Feeling like you're failing at growing your business/client-base?
- Afraid of letting the reigns go and giving someone else control over your baby?
- Worried that outsourcing your work will cost too much?
I want you to have all the answers you are looking for so you can make the best decision for you and your business. My goal is to have you leave this site feeling better and knowing more than you did before. I specialize in social media management. This means I will do an audit of your accounts to see where you can improve your branding and target audience. Then I will create a general custom content calendar so you can see how I plan on marketing your business to your audience. Once we make a plan on how often you would like to post on your accounts and what type of graphics you would like to add, I will update your content calendar and I can get started on getting your business more exposure. I will also conduct weekly hashtag research to make sure your hashtags are attracting your target audience. If you would like, I can also engage with your audience to ensure they feel connected to and heard by you. If you feel you are not ready to outsource and you'd like to try it yourself, I want you to feel free to talk with me anyways.
My goal is to help you build your business, whether you choose to work with me or not.
If you want tips and tricks, follow my social media platforms. I update them several times a week.
When you work with me the first thing I will do is conduct an audit of your social platforms. During my audit, a couple of things I will look at is if you are talking to your target audience and if you are communicating correctly with your target audience. There are techniques you can use to capture the interest of the people you want to sell to and on the flip side, there are ways to turn people off as well.
I will do research on your product/service to make sure your communication is effective and if the analytics is showing it isn't, I will change things up until we have the right formula for success, for your business.
It's important to note that no one technique is a magic key for all businesses since there are so many different types of businesses and different types of people as well.
Attracting your target audience is simple when you know exactly whom you want to attract, what it is you want to communicate when you have techniques in place, and most importantly when you have the time you need to put into your social platforms.
Now, why should you outsource?
Businesses and individuals outsource for a lot of reasons however, the main reason is to regain their time. You may be thinking, I don't need to outsource, I'm managing everything well on my own. That's great and I applaud you! You are a strong and independent individual and you've made it this far by yourself. However, ask yourself this question.
"Am I doing all I can for my business?"
This includes giving 100% of your attention to growing your business. If you are splitting your time focusing on inputting data, reading and sorting through emails, and updating your website, blog, and social media, are you doing what you need to do to grow your business? What did you do in the first few months or years? Were you sitting behind a screen collecting data, organizing emails, making spreadsheets and analyzing all of it? Or were you actively interacting with people, in person or virtually? Were you actively making your products and fulfilling orders? Were you using all of the spare time you had on conversions or were you spending hours creating content and graphics for your social platforms? Are you still putting in that same effort that got you to where you are now? If that answer is no, you may want to think about outsourcing.
Outsourcing isn't at all a new concept. Think about it, when you go to an office building and talk to the front desk clerk. Why do you think that individual is there? That person is there to answer questions, address concerns, engage with the customers and collect the initial information from them before moving on to the next level of authority. The boss of that company has essentially "outsourced" the initial contact with "leads" by hiring that front desk clerk.
I understand, it may be hard to let go and put your business in someone else's hands, but in order to grow, we need to make ourselves just a little bit uncomfortable right? Instead of being nervous about outsourcing, think of it as a #win. Your business has grown so much that you now need help to manage some aspects of it so you can refocus and stay on track.
If you are still not sure you want to take the plunge and outsource, you can always ask for a trial period with your VA, to make sure they understand what you need to be done and that they are able to do it right, before signing a months-long contract with them. As well, a good VA will always suggest meeting at least 2-4 times a month to discuss the progress of the work and the work needed for the upcoming week(s).
Remember, when outsourcing to a VA, you're not hiring an employee whom you'll have to constantly keep watch over, you are hiring an equal. Someone who can do the job you need to do the way you want it done. If you are particular on how you want things to be done, you should always find someone who is not only capable of doing the job but who is willing to learn the way you do it as well.
How do you know you have the funds available to outsource?
There are many VA's and the prices they offer do vary based on experience and what services they offer. Feel free to shop around and talk to as many VA's as you need to find the perfect fit. Someone who is not only capable of doing the job well and on-time, but someone who you are willing to work with for the next 3+ months.
However, I implore you to be aware that there are VA's who will be extremely cheap, way cheaper than the average bear. In VA service, just as in any service, you pay for what you get. It's your business and I'm sure you want to do all you can to make sure it not only grows but thrives.
Now that you know your options and the benefits of outsourcing, I hope you feel more comfortable taking the plunge and doing what you need to in order to successfully scale your business.